Our Services

  • The MWT Planning team can provide professional advice on the development potential of land or buildings, options for differing forms of development and the best approaches to take in order to maximise the development potential.

    A high quality planning/development appraisal can save clients time and money pursuing options which are not realistic.

  • There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to formulating a planning strategy for a potential scheme and the highly skilled and experienced MWT Planning team recognise this and will provide clear and concise advice on the most suitable strategy to meet the client’s brief in the most efficient and effective way possible.

  • Planning applications often need a team of multi-disciplinary professionals to be assembled and the MWT Planning team are highly experienced in assembling and coordinating such a team and managing the planning project from start to finish.

    The individuals in the MWT Planning team have built a solid network of professionals in other disciplines outside of Planning and we will be able to recommend the best people for each specific job.

  • The MWT Planning team can provide professional planning advice to clients from the moment of instruction, but it is often prudent to engage with the local planning authority at the earliest opportunity to obtain advice from them before a full planning application is prepared and submitted.

    Our team has decades of experience in the pre-application process and engaging with the local planning authority formally at this early stage can provide the most cost-effective solution for the client moving forward.

  • The highly experienced and skilled planners who form the MWT Planning team have proven track records in preparing, submitting and managing planning applications of all types of development from instruction to the granting of planning permission.

    There is no job too big or too small, if a development requires planning permission, then we can assist in getting that for you.

  • Not all planning applications are granted permission, and this is why the appeal process is required. 

    Planning appeals are submitted to and dealt with by the Planning Inspectorate. The MWT Planning team has vast experience in preparing and submitting appeals.

    There are three types of appeals:

    • Written representations;

    • Hearings; and

    • Public Inquiries.

    Our team can act for you through any of the above appeal routes and provide the highest possible quality of service for the client.

  • The MWT Planning team are highly experienced in engaging with local planning authorities at the Development Plan consultation stages.

    If you have a piece of land which we assess and consider has good potential for development, we will submit the site at the ‘Call for Sites’ stage in the Development Plan process with the aim of promoting it throughout the whole process and having it allocated for development in the adopted new plan.

  • If an Enforcement Notice is served on you by the local planning authority then urgent action is required to ensure that an appeal is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate within the timeframe set out on the Notice.

    Contact us at MWT Planning and we will be able to handle the enforcement appeal from start to finish and seek to provide you with reassurance at what can prove to be a very stressful time.

  • The team at MWT Planning actively encourage engagement with the local community before planning applications of a certain size and/or nature are submitted.

    We can organise and host a whole manner of different consultation events on a client’s behalf and collate the feedback, using it where possible to add weight to the planning case.

  • Sometimes planning applications are not required because the development that you are proposing is classed as ‘permitted development’.

    When presented with any proposal, the individuals in the MWT Planning team will initially assess the proposed scheme and advise if a planning application is necessary.

    If the proposal is considered to be permitted development, we will prepare and submit the necessary application to the local planning authority.  This will either be a Lawful Development Certificate application or a Prior Approval application.

  • If you have plans to extend your home then the MWT Planning team can assist with advice at the pre-application stage and then prepare, submit and manage your application.

    Our input is especially important on sensitive sites in the Green Belt, Conservation Areas and where the house is a listed building.

  • When dealing with listed buildings our expertise is essential because it is a criminal act to carry out unauthorised works to a listed building without the necessary Listed Building Consent (LBC).

    This is achieved via the submission and approval of a Listed Building Consent application and this is a core service provided by the MWT Planning team.

  • The MWT Planning team can assist with any planning application which seeks to change the use of land or buildings.

    This service is provided across all sectors.

  • Our work at MWT Planning is not necessarily finished once the planning permission is granted by the local planning authority.

    Most planning permissions will contain ‘pre-commencement conditions’ and it is vital that these conditions are discharged before work can lawfully begin.  We can deal with everything that is necessary to have those conditions discharged.

    It is likely that there will be other conditions that are required to be discharged throughout the construction process. We can provide the service to ensure all conditions are complied with.

    It is not unusual for a client to want to vary or remove a condition from a planning permission.  This is achieved via a Section 73 application and this is a service we provide across all sectors.

  • Outline planning permission and Permission in Principle (PIP) applications are often favoured by clients who wish to increase the value of a site without going to the expense of a full planning application.

    The MWT Planning team has vast experience in the preparation and submission of outline and PIP applications, so if you think this might be a route you want to go down to make your land more attractive to a developer, do not hesitate to get in contact with us.